Bhagavad Gita Quotes

The Bhagavad Gita Sanskrit: श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता,  literally meaning The Song of the Bhagavan, often referred to as simply the Gita, is a 700-verse Hindu scripture that is part of the Hindu epic Mahabharata.

The Gita is set in a narrative framework of a dialogue between Pandava prince Arjuna and his guide and charioteer Krishna. Facing the duty as a warrior to fight the Dharma Yudhha or righteous war between Pandavas and Kauravas, Arjuna is counselled by Krishna to "fulfill his Kshatriya (warrior) duty as a warrior and establishing Dharma. in this appeal to kshatriya dharma (chivalry) is "a dialogue  between diverging attitudes concerning and methods toward the attainment of liberation (moksha)".

The Bhagavad Gita presents a synthesis of the Brahmanical concept of Dharma,theistic bhakti,the yogic ideals of moksha through jnana, bhakti, karma, and Raja Yoga (spoken of in the 6th chapter).

 Some Famous Quotes from Gita.

1) There is neither this world nor the world beyond nor happiness for the one who doubts.

2) Delusion arises from anger. The mind is bewildered by delusion. Reasoning is destroyed when the mind is bewildered. One falls down when reasoning is destroyed.

3) Thou hast power only to act not over the result thereof. Act thou therefore without prospect of the result and without succcumbing to inaction
The translation follows thus

Karmani ave adhikars te
--you have the power to act only
ma phalesu kadachana
--you do not have the power to influence the result
ma karmaphal hetur bhoo
--therefore you must act without the anticipation of the result
ma sangostu akramani
--without succumbing to inaction

4) The mind acts like an enemy for those who do not control it.

5) Whatever you do, make it an offering to me -- the food you eat, the sacrifices you make, the help you give, even your sufferings.

6) It is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else's life with perfection.

7) A gift is pure when it is given from the heart to the right person at the right time and at the right place, and when we expect nothing in return.

8) Still your mind in me, still yourself in me, and without a doubt you shall be united with me, Lord of Love, dwelling in your heart.

9) Be free from fear. Be fearless and have faith in the divine.

10) you are not able to see Me with your physical eye therefore, I give you the divine eye to see My majestic power and glory.

11) The knowledge sacrifice is superior to any material sacrifice.

12) I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds.

13) Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is

14) Hell has three gates: lust, anger, and greed.

15) There is nothing lost or wasted in this life.


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